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Two months ago (I think) I exploited The Powerpuff Girls for what it really was; extreme, subliminal, right-wing propaganda which metaphorically suggested that Satan is interchangeable with Santa Clause (and an anagram thereof, or whatever). And now I'm going to expose to all of you, the exploitative worm that created this series, Craig McCracken.
First, a little backstory. Craig McCracken was born in Pennsylvania and moved to California at the tender age of seven. Discontent with his new, rampantly liberal surroundings, he created a prototype to The Powerpuff Girls in college titled, "Whoopass Stew!", no doubt inappropriately named to appeal to the largely immoral, Californian masses. Oh boy, were they in for a uninformed brainwashing.
As we can clearly see here, McCracken's first targets of aggression were minorities. As I've previously stated; the Gang Green Gang is a representation of all minorities in general and the Amoeba Boys represent the metaphorical infection of Italians in America. This short cartoon was made before McCracken syndicated The Powerpuff Girls, so there was no intervention from Cartoon Network or any similar entity. Thus, it is here in these early cartoons where McCracken displays his true, unadulterated hatred.
First, we see the all-minority Gang Green Gang, who are depicted as barbaric and violent as possible (their appearance was obviously toned down when the show was syndicated for Cartoon Network). The Aryan Whoopass Girls defeat them effortlessly, and thus the actual episode begins, but the true nature of McCracken's sick mind has not yet even begun to rear it's ugly head. We see the Ameoba Boys, doing the usual thing most republicans expect from Italians. They encounter the Whoopass Girls, who then sentence them to the most horrible death imaginable; burned to death by the SUN! You heard me right. I think we can infer that McCracken has a huge prejudice against Italians.
My speculations were true, Him really is the devil! They just flat-out say it! As I've stated before, Him symbolizes homosexuals, and in this early cartoon, the symbolism isn't any less apparent. First, we see the Whoopass Girls given "the key to the world", no doubt a republican metaphor for how the world should be left in the hands of conservative Caucasians. Him (the devil) threatens to take the "key to the world", symbolizing how homosexuals want to seize rightful control from powerful republicans to further their own political agendas. He challenges them to a race and loses, not surprisingly.
I don't even have to point out the metaphors in this cartoon. I've already explained how Mojo Jojo is a representation of African-Americans. Just look at these photos from the civil rights protests and draw the connection yourself.
Now, you're probably wondering; with all of this obvious prejudice, how in the world did Craig McCracken break into Cartoon Network, a largely democratic establishment, and further spread his militant conservationist message to children? ... By acting like a complete stoner of course! It wasn't the Whoopass Girls, but mostly his fabricated mannerisms and outward appearance as a stoner that got him accepted by the head honchos at the network. An early example can be seen in this CNN report from the mid-nineties.
It's clear that McCracken understands; to defeat the enemy, you must do so from within.
Here is an early interview with McCracken for the Cartoon Network original series, Space Ghost: Coast to Coast, where he continues with his stoner ruse.
I mean, just look at that face. He's totally uninterested in what he's doing, only feigning interest at this moment knowing how much his reputation will benefit afterward, his great contribution to republican extremism only that much closer to world syndication. It should've been apparent from his metaphorical condemning of the black man's struggle and referencing of a Bible story what the network executives were in for.
Craig McCracken had fortunately left Cartoon Network in 2009, but by then it was too late. The Powerpuff Girls had already made it's run for seven years, successfully injecting McCracken's bellicose ideals into the minds of children worldwide. Are his influences still relevant to this day and does Cartoon Network realize the mistake they made? Only until it happens, I suppose.
are you joking? just say the words SPACE GHOST: COAST TO COAST.
ReplyDeleteThings got shitty on TV because of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 not because of one dude that's a republican sleeper cell. At least draw a parallel to some of the other shows the guy has worked on- My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, Dexter's Lab, 2 Stupid Dogs....
Besides he looks kind of "ethnic" to me. Just sayin.
Wait.. what? Are you on meth or just naturally that paranoid?
ReplyDeletePPG is right-wing propaganda?
ReplyDeleteI think you made me like this show more.