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If you grew up in the nineties, there's no doubt you wouldn't remember The Powerpuff girls. Created by Craig McCracken, the show's production ran from 1998 to 2005. Like most cartoon television shows, people usually don't stand back to analyze it's deeper meaning. The Powerpuff Girls is riddled with dark subject matters, intended to subconsciously fill children's minds with extreme right-wing political views and ideas of discriminate hierarchy, the evidence is overwhelming. The show mainly utilized the use of villains to convey symbolism for individuals the creators considered inferior, but that's not to say the protagonists had their own fair share of symbolism. Today, I'm going to look at each of the most re-occurred characters that appeared on the show and try to explain each of their hidden messages.
Let's start by looking at the main heroes themselves, in order from left to right: Bubbles, Blossom, and Buttercup. Obviously, all three of these characters are Caucasian girls, not like that's a big deal, but you'll see why this was a pivotal decision by the creators later on in this post. Blossom and Bubbles have all the features of ideal Aryan girls; light hair, light eyes, and they're both very well-behaved, especially for kindergarten-aged children. However, these two characters are contrasted by the third member of the team who is anything but ideal. Buttercup has black hair and is stubborn and rude. Being the butch tomboy of the three makes her the black sheep of the family, and the show usually goes out of it's way to make this apparent. Buttercup is usually the first to rebel at any given moment and take matters into her own hands, which usually leads to disastrous results. Blossom and Bubbles represent a naziist ideal that all good Aryan girls are bright and obedient. Buttercup, who acts rash and defiantly, always ends up taking orders from the other two.
However, this show wouldn't be extremely subliminally right-wing if the three girls didn't take orders from a couple of white males. Of course a few small girls can't tell the difference between right and wrong, that's why they need two Caucasian men, the de facto dominant faction in extreme right-wing society, to tell them who's evil and who's not. Being symbols of male dominance, both of these characters also sport their own phallic symbol; Professor Utonium (left) with his pipe and the mayor of Townsville (right) with his top hat.
The professor represents the ideal, white-collar working dad. He created the Powerpuff girls solely to be a responsible father, like any good American would! Although, it's questionable why some lonely scientist would want to create "the perfect little girls", as they're referred to, but why argue with conservative reasoning? He simply wants to raise three, ideal Caucasian girls without the utilization of sex or the dangerous, liberal tradition of adoption. With the ingredients of sugar, spice and "everything nice", plus the accidental addition of a substance called "Chemical X", Professor Utonium was able to conjure "the perfect little girls". Chemical X is the cause of their superpowers, but what qualities were also given to them by the other substances in this crazy, nonsensical, republican world? Sugar is white so ... yeah, you know where I'm going with this. Spice represents sexuality, and since that's a trait Buttercup lacks, she obviously didn't get enough of it. We are never told what "everything nice" is supposed to be, but I don't doubt that it probably involved a few Bibles and small crosses to instill some conservative morality into those "perfect little girls". Now, I know what you're thinking; why would three Aryan girls take orders from a non-Aryan, black-haired man? Well, didn't Hitler have black hair? ... I thought so.
The mayor is the perpetually cheery, white Republican chief of the Townsville municipal, and of course, he's always shown as happy and agreeable. Being a high-ranking member of society, the mayor enjoys the leisure of being able to call the Powerpuff girls whenever he wants via an exclusive, hot-line telephone installed in his office. Although this development is meant to battle overall crime in the city, it's a heavily flawed process because the mayor is the only one who has access to this phone. But, in the world of extreme right-wing thinking, this actually makes sense. Why would the Powerpuff girls want to save a couple of inner-city kids from getting shot? Why help low-income scum when the mayor needs another pickle jar opened?
The mayor also has a voluptuous intern called Ms. Bellum. Although she's considered beautiful, her face is never shown, therefore drawing attention to her curvy shape. Her probable purpose is to teach girls that a woman's body is all that matters.
Now that I'm done covering the protagonists, it's time to move onto the more juicy characters; the antagonists, representing a wide range of ethnic, liberal, and idealistic groups that are usually considered enemies to the right-wing. And who better to start off the antagonists than the mother of them all?
Mojo Jojo, the de facto main villain of the series, represents the biggest ethnic threat and crutch to the white race; black people. Yes, you heard me right. Mojo Jojo is, in fact, a very obvious personification of Africa. He's an African monkey with an African accent, even his name is African. Mojo Jojo was once a lab assistant of professor Utonium's, but when the Powerpuff Girls were created, the explosion caused his brain to enlarge, thus giving him enough conscienceness to escape the professor, much like how the African slaves escaped their masters. Nothing's more dangerous than a black man who knows too much! He also appears to symbolize African-Americans more than anyone else, because Mojo Jojo (the black man) blames Professor Utonium (the white man) for his evil actions when monologuing about his motives. In The Powerpuff Girls Movie, Mojo deceives the Powerpuff Girls into helping him get off the streets and they build a laboratory for him, much like how the welfare system works, only for Mojo to turn the tables and try to take over the world with his fellow primate kind (AKA the black race). Mojo is given green skin to show that he is the most evil of all the villains, as well as the primates who join Mojo in his quest for world domination in the theatrical film. But why green skin? Well, that's another metaphor I hope to explain with our next villains.
Since minority characters are rarely ever seen in The Powerpuff Girls, the creators probably decided that they would use one skin color to group all minorities together. After all, they're all the same as far as the extreme right-wing is concerned. The Gang Green Gang serves to symbolize minority gangs in general and the "dangers" of multiculturalism. Aside from blacks (as handled by Mojo's character), each member of the gang represents a different racial minority. Starting with the four characters in front from left to right; Little Arturo is Hispanic, Grubber is Arab, Ace is Native American, and Snake is Asian. The one character in the back, Big Billy, is the only exception; he's meant to represent a white, race traitor. They're all pretty harsh stereotypes, especially Little Arturo's character which insinuates that all Latinos are incredibly short. In "Buttercrush", the fourth episode of the series where the Gang Green Gang made their debut, Buttercup develops a crush for Ace. The episode exemplifies how interracial relationships spell trouble as Ace takes advantage of Buttercup and deceives her into letting him and his gang freely cause trouble. He then tries to keep Buttercup busy, feigning emotions for her while his friends attempt to kill Blossom and Bubbles, which only goes to show that all minorities are heartless and that we're better off without those damn Indians! When Buttercup finds out what's happening, she proceeds to beat Ace and his gang in the most brutal ways possible. With how much violence there was in The Powerpuff Girls, I'm surprised nobody complained or tried to censor it for as long as it aired. I guess little girls beating up minorities is the only violence soccer moms seem to approve of.
Him, as this character is called, is an obvious slash on homosexuals, and in typical right-wing fashion, Christian symbolism is heavily used to portray this character as significantly evil. This character is called "Him" because no one dares to speak his real name, or some crap like that. What? Is Satan a new curse word for these republican nuts now, even though it's used in the Bible like the word "Hell"? Regardless, we're never told if this character is Satan or not, but it's still pretty obvious that he's gay. I mean, that goatee proves he's a guy, but he wears high-heeled boots that rise above his knees and also what appears to be Santa lingerie, and of course, Santa Clause is evil by conservative standards because he represents the liberal consumerism and nonreligious aspect of Christmas. Him also sports mechanical, crab claws instead of hands, which I guess is a metaphor for "Crabs", the sexually transmitted, genital lice.
Finally, the Rowdyruff Boys teaches girls to give in to the male-dominated world. Being ideal Aryan boys, the Rowdyruff Boys display a strong sense of initiative and enough morality to rebel against their illegitimate black "father", Mojo. In their first appearance, "The Rowdyruff Boys", the twelfth episode of the series, Mojo Jojo creates these boys in his jail cell so he can break out of prison and get revenge on the Powerpuff Girls, but of course, like the typical black man he represents, Mojo is never seen paying their child support. In the ensuing battle, the Rowdyruff Boys manage to actually kill the Powerpuff Girls. They are the only villains who ever achieve this feat, proving that the only thing more powerful than little, Aryan girls with superpowers ... are little, Aryan boys with superpowers. They are brought back to life however by the tears of Townsville's citizens and think that all hope is lost until they finally decide to appease the Rowdyruff Boys by kissing them on their cheeks, which finally makes them disappear. This is yet another, extremely right-wing metaphor, showing that males will always be dominant over females, and that the only way females can ever gain piece of mind by males is through sexual appeasement.
But even minor, reoccurring characters also share in the rampant, extremely right-wing symbolism. In order from top left to bottom right; Fuzzy Lumpkins represents the liberal threat posed by the poor and unemployed, the mobster Amoeba Boys are actually viruses and represent the dirty "infection" of Italians in America, the Smith family represents a typical, evil democratic family, and Sedusa and Princess Morbucks exist for the sole purpose of illustrating how violence against other females is okay, no matter what age they are.
So, in conclusion, the ideal world for the creators of this series is a world where all women are simply servants and objects to the dominant, white republican man. Minorities are all alike; deceitful and not to be trusted, especially blacks, who are the most evil. Gays are demonic people who believe in Santa Clause instead of God. And although little, republican, Aryan girls are able to defeat the most powerful liberals and minorities, they will still never be a match for their male counterparts.
yous nuts
ReplyDeleteI might also add that its preference of violent retribution as a deterrent/punishment on behalf of the state as opposed to rehabilitation and tackling social causes implies a right wing view of justice.
ReplyDeleteI agree with rehabilitation why do they beat up on homeless kids for stealing food aka the gang green gang.
DeleteI agree with rehabilitation why do they beat up on homeless kids for stealing food aka the gang green gang.
Delete"Mojo Jojo is, in fact, a very obvious personification of Africa. He's an African monkey with an African accent, even his name is African"
ReplyDeleteEven his name is African? This lazy observation is symptomatic of a Western-centric point of view, which promotes casual racism rather than make an absurdity out of it.
Congratulations on insulting a childrens show, you champion.
ReplyDeleteReal champion! Looking far too much into a children's cartoon.
ReplyDeleteany cartoon can represent any of these things if you read into it in this detail... and how on earth does mojojojo represent a black person??? to dream up something so obscure makes me think YOU are the racist..
ReplyDeleteMoJo seemed to have more of an Asian accent to me.
ReplyDeletePlus, Him got less and less femmy as the seasons went on. Everyone was more focused of how much of a great villain he was and how freaking terrifying he was. The fact that he was a transvestite/gay just made Him even more awesome, to me.
Also, Ms. Bellum is named after the cerebellum, and she's often the voice of reason to the girls.
Plus, it was made clear that when Bubbles was angry, she wasn't a cute an innocent girl. She became like, ten Buttercups jam packed into one, going completely insane.
Buttercup is perhaps the most beloved PowerPuff Girl, while Blossom is often shown as bossy and irritating.
There was even an entire episode on feminism and the rights of women and how the girls felt that there was too much of this unjustice in the world.
Finally, this was actually one of the few shows that both boys and girls love that include all-female protagonists. This was an amazing show back then and it's an amazing show now.
It seems as though you only watched like, one or two episodes or just read summaries of it.
This cartoon is like a Rorschach test, and your take on it merely exposes your world view. I'll bet you find racism and other discriminatory behavior everywhere you look, not just in the Powerpuff Girls cartoon. It's not them, it's you that is the problem. You should get that fixed, it makes you look like a fool.
DeleteI do believe all of the concepts you've offered to your post. They are very convincing and can definitely work. Nonetheless, the posts are very brief for starters. May just you please lengthen them a bit from subsequent time? Thank you for the post.
ReplyDeleteCapezio Women's DS24 Rockit Dansneaker
really interesting read!
ReplyDeleteUsing this for my graphic design class :) thanks!!
one thing that he or she forgot is that sedusa is actually a cartoon version of medusa and medusa is an evil woman who turns anyone into stone...
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteYou contrast yourself so many times in this post! you say that this shows display gay stereotypes but YOU are the one stereotyping! you are assuming HIM is gay just by his appearance! the show never said he was. he is just very feminine. I mean guys can't be feminine or wear ear rings or like to go shopping without being gay, right? because that's something only gay men do. Forget Prince or David Bowie or I dunno maybe I'm going to far here but Marilyn Manson (maybe been inspired from) who wore makeup, designer clothes, and heels. Those some faggots for sure.
ReplyDeleteand buttercup. you said she was a "butch lesbian" but the show never said she was attracted to girls! you yourself pointed out her relationship with Ace and if i'm correct Buttercup is the only girl we see throughout this series that develops a crush on anybody! Why isn't blossom or bubbles sexuality questioned? bubbles thinks boomer is cute but she thinks everyone is cute! She could be bisexual. Blossom never seemed to have interest in any boy. She talked a lot about wonder woman. Many she has fantasies of getting into her star panties? but that's her hero.
You just assumed that buttercup was a lesbian just because she is a tomboy. Yeah because only tomboys like fucking other girls. Aaliyah and Ciara are way too tomboyish that they obviously are either men or gay. Oh no pretty blonde girls that look like Amber Heard and wear make up and is super girlie aren't attracted to other girls?
But buttercup also is very girly. she is shown playing dress up, having tea parties, she sleeps in a pink room, she wears a freakin' dress all the time! and you know what? these are child character how are they suppose to know their sexuality when they are in PRESCHOOL!
I can't believe you said Buttercup was not spice. That's her freakin' signature! She IS spice. Spice stands for a hard edge and wild. Bubbles is sugar because she's sweet and kind. That has nothing to do with being White. Blossom is everything nice because she's the team leader and is a hero.
okay I can understand that Sara Bellum is eye candy but she ISN'T just eyecandy. She is the brains behind the mayor.He is the face but she makes all the important decisions and calls the girls when needed too or tells the mayor to because he's a freakin idiot. She's smart but also sexy.
Okay you made the GangGreen Gang racist yourself by your assumptions again. Just because Ace has long hair doesn't mean he's Native American. He's Italian from New York or just a New Yorker. He's the joke of those old cool guys that's from New York like from the show Happy Days. How is Snake an Asian? I guess because his eyes are slanted? That makes him automatically Asian. What happened to him just being a mutated snake? Grummer is Arab? Wow where did you get that from? Is it because he speaks a language that you don't understand and is weird looking???? They all are mutants! The only racist one I would agree with you on is Arturo.
Okay I never got African out of Mojo Jojo. I thought his accent at times could sound like a very bad kung fu movie dub but I never though of African. I guess you thought of African because he's a money and Black and monkeys go hand in hand with you, huh?
The violence. This is an action show! What do you expect? It's an action SUPERHERO show! What? SO Superman can beat Darkside's face in on his show but the thee girls can't fight on THEIR show? Kids love action and fighting so you can see hoe this how was such a powerhouse to both genders. Boys got their action and girls got their girl power. Simple, with all the comedy. Please you are reading way too into this. some part are correct. This show had many racist characters... in the BACKGROUND! They would have maybe an Asian wearing a kimono or something but they would be in America. Femme Fatale was a negative image of feminist. But the main cast aren't stereotypes.
To add on your comment, in no way is Buttercup lesbian. She even had a crush on the gangreen gang member. And you say Bubbles and Blossom are too sweet, but you hate on
DeleteButtercup too? You are obviously making stuff up. I found a million bias in here, What a fake website. For one, it says that this world is wrecked because of the REPUBLICANS that run it. The mojo jojo one is nearly all wrong, him being an assistant, not slave, he is a monkey from an unknown place. So asuming Africa..., saying he has an African name? Chimpanzees can come from Asia, by the way.
Anyway, everything about the professor is false, him, except for a tiny bit, the gangreen gang one is stupid. SOMEBODY had to be shorter. SOMEBODY had to be bigger. You aren't insulting a race because they are big, short, you name it. The ones about the powerpuff girls are weird... I mean, yes, they are white. Alot of shows feature them becuae they originate from a country where that is popular. However, the rowdyruff boys one has the most right. They are stereotypical, but thats it. They are just portrayed as little boys who don't like girls. And they are one of 3 to kill them actually. Ms. Bellum doesn't make sense, they just don't show her face. That's it. It is because she is portrayed as super beautiful. She is smarter than the mayor... and is one of 2 characters to be a motherly figure to the ppg. She even beat up a villan on her own once, along with supporting the ppg in succeeding. Fuzzy lumpkins is just a hill billy animal, the amobea boys one doesn't make sense. They are just germs. BIAS: The article says that the "Smith family represents a typical, evil democratic family...", they are just evil neighbors. And the sedusa and Princess one completely competes with the whole show. Seriously, they know they are evil, and the powerpuff girls don't hold back from beating them. They even say, well, I'll just read you to argue with it: Now, I know what you're thinking; why would three Aryan girls take orders from a non-Aryan, black-haired man? Well, didn't Hitler have black hair? ... I thought so.
So now you hate on black haired men?
Bro... you are the only idiot LMAO. Look up tomboy, in no way or shape does that mean lesbian. Also, he adds on that buttercup had a crush on ace... read the whole thing instead of getting angry because he ruing your favorite show LMAO. In the connotative sense, this makes you an asshole. You may say I'm an asshole as well for pointing this out, but if anything, this makes me a genius. The only difference between a genius and an asshole is that a genius makes legitimate statements, which you did not. Ha! I would argue more but I didn't have to read much more then the first 2-3 sentences to recognize your stupidity.
DeleteThe term "butch" means lesbian. The writer described Buttercup as a "bitch tomboy" despite the fact that she wears a dress and is the only one to have a episode dedicated to her crush on a boy. And even the advertisements for the movie talked about the hinted romance she had with Mitch. Buttercup is the only character in the series to have hinted romances with anybody yet this person tries to claim her as a butch lesbian just because she likes "boy stuff."
Delete-a tear is brought to his eye- thank you. SOMEBODY HAD TO SAY IT!
DeleteDon't mind the rabble here; a vast majority of the American population have no assessment at all of anything.
ReplyDeleteThis post was very interesting and helpful. I had been reflecting on a few of these points and made an ironic piece of clip art to contest the sexist image of little girls.
Being that I never watched the show religiously, I can only add to your assessment that the professional success of Professor Utonium & the Mayor contrast with the secretarial position of Ms. Bellum, whom's the only adult female character I think ever portrayed. (Cerebellum = motor control part of your brain with no capacity for logical thought, just reflexes and physical habits).
Also I wanted to add that the idea of the Powerpuff Girls being prefect and made out of sugar, spice and everything nice is a concept that goes back to the old child nursery rhyme, What Folks Are made Of or what we normally know as of now, What Are Little Boys/Girls Made of? which may or may not been written by Robert Southey around 1870s. The creator of the show, Craig McCracken, only used the nursery rhyme to explain how the girls were made to have a fairy tale feel to their origin but also added in chemical X which gave them superpowers.
ReplyDeleteWhat are little boys made of, made of? (1. R.S.)
What are little boys made of?
Snips and snails and puppy-dog tails;
That's what little boys are made of. And such are...
What are little girls made of, made of?
What are little girls made of?
Sugar and spice and everything nice;
That's what little girls are made of.
Ignore most of the comments on this, just opinions by stupid people. Overall, some of these concepts show clear insights, particular the ones about Bellum and Jojo. Although you overlooked some very important notions about the two characters, as the only thing 'African' about the accent was that it had a deep pitch. Overall, if you edit this it could be a good analysis.
ReplyDeleteDude, I think you may bring up some interesting points but overall, you're not making any sense. This may have been taken seriously if you went into details about a few things like how Mojo Jojo is an African name or how Grubber represents Arabs. Also you tell on yourself with that line about Mojo not paying child support. That was just silly.
ReplyDeleteThis is pretty extreme and although some of what you're saying is possible, it's a bit of a stretch.
ReplyDeleteThe only one that I find almost irrefutable is Him. It really does seem like they're saying gays are evil.
I wonder if the show actually meant to say gas are evil it could just be coincidence or the creates way of being funny but I agree with there being to much violence. VIOLENCE is OK for a super hero show but it seams like they use it to solve every problem even when the don't near it and even enjoy it especially buttercup. WHY would 5 year old super heros enjoy inflicting pain on their enemy's no matter how bad they are.
DeleteI wonder if the show actually meant to say gas are evil it could just be coincidence or the creates way of being funny but I agree with there being to much violence. VIOLENCE is OK for a super hero show but it seams like they use it to solve every problem even when the don't near it and even enjoy it especially buttercup. WHY would 5 year old super heros enjoy inflicting pain on their enemy's no matter how bad they are.
DeleteYou made quite the enlightening points in this analysis of yours, though some subjects are a bit rusty and need more information, but overall it is a good and well thought analysis of Power Puff Girls. I recently started watching Power Puff Girls and I do see quite the problematic stuff in it and guess what people IT DOES MATTER. Thinking critically about this cartoon makes me realize how easily we can internalize problematic stuff. Thank you for what you wrote.
ReplyDeleteOi. Guys, this was obviously a joke post. If the Mojo Jojo portion didn't clue you into this then you are a mark.
ReplyDeleteThis entire post is a leap of olympic proportions.
ReplyDeleteThis entire post is a leap of olympic proportions.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWow. You're right on with some of that but don't stick Republican and nazi together. The Nazis were pretty liberal. Plus it was a socialist party. Definitely not right wing.
ReplyDeleteWow. You're right on with some of that but don't stick Republican and nazi together. The Nazis were pretty liberal. Plus it was a socialist party. Definitely not right wing.
ReplyDeleteGreat note! Excellent point of view
ReplyDeleteGreat note! Excellent point of view
ReplyDeleteI agree with most of it but I the MOJO one and the gangrene gang because ace is Italian and was meant to sound like an Italian new yorker even the flirty Italian accent plus grubber is British in school house rocked he turNed normal for a second and spoke in a clear British accent. But this show does seam far right wing because the villians don't dezerve it like the gangrene gang being orphan homeless kid because they obviously never went to school so can't read or write and they live in a dump they steal mostly candy and toys witch is typical of kids along with destruction of property they should be in foster care not prison. THE girls ruined mojos life and never took him back,fuzzy Lumpkin seams to suffer from some kind of insanity not to mention rainbow the clown does in the episode with him in it. THEN theres princess morbucks no matter how much a brat she is why is a 5 year old in adult prison,shes a toddler for crying out loud. So basically the girls beat up and arrest people who only commit crimes because of things like poverty,mental illness or not being old enough to understand right from wrong but the girls ain't old enough either so why is Nobody saying anything and telling them who shouldn't be a bad guy no of the adults seam to care and even in the movie nobody wanted them till they knew they could do something for them. THERE is also case were even the girls judge people before they know them like mr.green and when they fight monsters and villians they sometimes kill them simply for destroying a few buildings. IN the episode see me feel me know me they have the knome make AL the villians disappear out of existence which is the same as killing them even the gangrene gang which is not much of a threat. TO them the death penalty is OK for destruction of property. The gangrene gang even hinted at the horrible conditions they live in inside a power puff comic they stole from charity and told the girls the never get presents cause no one loves them hinting they have no family or come from abusive homes and the girls stI'll told them it is wrong and beat them up not caring about there situation and they are just as bad of or worse than the people their stealing from. Also the smith's seamed liked maybe they could be democrats in a Republican town because Herald always just wanted them to win against the girls and hated them for that reason. So the only thing I think don't make sense about the post is the race stuff but the conservative view is spot on though because violence seams to be the only answer through the show.
ReplyDeleteThe only thing I have to say to you sir is fuck you.
ReplyDeleteThe only thing I have to say to you sir is fuck you.
ReplyDeleteCan some one maybe do a fanfix on my theory especially the one involving the gangreen gang were they get a happy ending and the power puff girls and also the town get punished for how the treated people like maybe a social worker and a lot of hippy and humintarians from a hippy town come to town and work it out I think it would be a great fanfic with great debates if you add extreme liberals to the girls and there town with extreme conservatives and give them a different view of the world because they seam like they don't know how the world actually works just listen to what people tell them what if the hippy teach them how the world actually works and why some people don't deserve punishment even if they commit crime like people in poverty stealing Foo to survive what if some off the people teach in them were friends of the professor and we're college graduates with high iqs and they learned there lesson and the professor and miss Keane adopted the gangreen gang and raised them as the girls brothers.
ReplyDeleteYou overthink way too much. I'm 100% liberal and even I'm not overly salty or emotional over a kids show. I watched this show growing up and the only impact it made on me was fun. It did not change my views on life or anything. There is also no problem with the 3 girls being white. I swear, if a person isn't of another race on a show or movie it is somehow racist. You're sick dude. Oh, and btw, Mojo does not have an African accent. You clearly don't know what African accents are. Peace out idiot 🤙
ReplyDeleteWho bets the author was high while writing this?
ReplyDeleteConservatives are the ones who abolished slavery, idiot.
ReplyDeleteThis is why I hate the left. Acusers and victims. Smh.
ReplyDeleteWhoever wrote this is a complete deadset low iq fuckwitt LOL PPG is an evil cartoon but literally for none of the reasons listed.... the amount of illuminati and cabal symbolism in it is what makes it evil..